Construction of Grebennikov’s Graviflier.

Diana Thoresen
11 min readApr 15, 2021


Hello, my YouTube fans. This is Alexey and Garage Technologies. Today I’m going to cover two topics: my ether theory and construction of a graviflier. You kept asking me questions about the graviflier made by Grebennikov. I’d like to throw in a few extra details because practice without theory leads nowhere. Likewise, theory without practice becomes futile and ineffective. That’s why our practical experiments won’t work unless we have a full grasp of theory behind our endeavors.

I need to tell you certain things about the ether. During my college days, I had a professor tell us about how Mikhail Lomonosov came up with a theory about the law of conservation of mass. In the 1740s or so, he burned a substance in a retort. He ended up with the same mass he had before the burning process. This is how he discovered the law of conservation of mass. No matter what one does to a substance, its mass will remain the same. I remember asking my professor a question during that class. ‘’If nothing comes out of nothing, how did the original universe come into being? Stars, comets, galaxies…’’

The professor was completely dumbfounded. It was such a simple question. Our modern science is exactly like this. There are many questions that haven’t been answered yet. This is why esoteric science is worth looking into. I get a lot of criticism because of my interest in esoterica. Levitation, telepathy, etc. aren’t worth delving into according to my critics. I should just stick to practical matters and my particular line of work.

I need to make one thing clear. I wouldn’t have made any progress in my research whatsoever had it not been for my occult studies. In the 1940s, the Third Reich engineers accomplished amazing things and made many astonishing discoveries. Nazi UFOs (Beluzzo and Schauberger discs, etc.) are an example of that. Psychic mediums were involved in discovering so much of that technology. Personally, I’m planning to contact psychics and people with ESP abilities in order to further my research. So I want to follow the path of the Third Reich inventors. I want to employ psychic abilities to get scientific results. I’ve managed to get some information via ESP methods myself, but I still need more help.

Let’s go back to our main topic. Today’s video is going to be about Grebennikov’s graviflier, but I need to talk about the ether first. Why is it necessary to learn about the ether? The ether is the very fabric of creation. Those who understand how the ether works possess the key to the entire machinery of the universe.

Let’s conduct a little experiment. Do you remember what Viktor Grebennikov had to say when he busied himself with the Cavity Structure Effect? By the way, this is where I am conducting my own experiments with the CSE. He would say that no machine ever registers the CSE. However a human hand can feel the warm sensation. I need to make an important point now. No machine can ever measure the ether either. That’s why the scientists are arguing as to whether it exists at all.

Now get ready to be really surprised! I am going to tell you about one experiment. You can try it for yourself after watching this video if you want. Let’s take a look at what the ether really is. You’re going to see it — I can promise you that. This happened a long time ago. A while back, I noticed certain things happening to me as a child, but I never paid much attention to them. I dismissed them as hallucinations or simple visual effects. I can see a certain substance that seems to be always present in the atmosphere.

When I got older, I began to notice more. One time I was sitting in a dimly lit room with somebody. I asked that person if he could see the ether. He said he couldn’t. I asked him to pay attention to those shimmering, pulsating white dots in the air. You know it’s like those chaotic white static dots when your TV is on but there is no picture. You can see the same substance on the screen right now. Please, put your hands over your face. You should be able to see little dots against the black background. They are little white dots which resemble a net of sorts filled with a slightly pulsating substance. They are chaotic. They don’t look like vapor. They are more likely to appear as flashing TV screen static when there’s no picture. I’m trying to show you a picture of what I’m talking about looks like.

Okay. Now open your eyes and turn off the light in the room. You got a partially translucent dark environment where the ether is easily seen. I’ve tried this with several people and everyone sees the same. It’s not a hallucination if everyone has an identical experience. This is the fabric of all creation which every substance consists of. This is the ether which has been such a controversial subject to acknowledge for so many people. Actually many people have recognized its existence, but it still remains a forbidden subject. This is the substance we work with. This is the substance that keeps us earthbound. We can also influence it once we’ve seen what it looks like.

Now you’re looking at my various devices. I am experimenting with different methods to affect the ether. I should be able to learn which physical processes can impact it because of my ability to perceive it. One can see those chaotic shimmering dots if one conducts an experiment in a semi-dark room. Then we can see which physical processes affect the ether or not.

So let’s wrap it up. Try to pause the video for a moment. Or do it at the end of the video if this is more convenient for you. Try it in a dark room. Let’s say a bathroom with soft light. Try to see those dots pulsating everywhere. Press your hand to your eyes and you’ll see those dots again. You should be able to see the same thing in a semi-dark room just as well. And you should be able to see them very clearly.

Let’s go back to Grebennikov’s graviflier, our main topic. I started investigating some things. I’ve been looking at your comments and I can see that there are two lines of thinking emerging. Some of you say that Grebennikov is a fraud; some of you celebrate him as a genius. Let’s avoid both extremes. Let’s just follow his path step by step and build a graviflier. Later we can either prove him right or wrong.

Where do we start? I want to mention that photo where Grebennikov is seen jumping on his machine. Everyone is saying he just had a picture of himself taken while jumping. By the way, I tried to do something similar here in my space. I propped my construction (I’ve already dismantled it by now) with a broom and tried jumping on it. I understood one thing: the upper covering you see being lifted isn’t being lifted by itself. It’s being lifted by gravitation.

I’ve begun building my graviflier. I’m going to show it to you now. There you go. The panel block is almost ready. I’ve assembled it from the shavings of my leftover metal. But this isn’t the main thing. They are just a part of the fans which once comprised the platform. Grebennikov also had a grid attached to it. See this grid? It reminds one of a honeycomb block. In one of my videos, I experimented with beetles’ lower wings. The hairs on the wings were seen as tiny grids under a microscope. Those holes right here act as a substitute for the hairs on the wings.

Take a look at another object, please. This is a needle resonator. Once again, when we look at beetles’ lower wings, you can see those hairs. They act as recipients for the crown discharges created by an electrostatic field when the beetle is flapping its wings. Electricity runs down them and makes these aerosols explode. Can you see it as a part of my experiment?

People have sent me many links about various versions of different devices for this and that. I need to show you one thing. You must have seen graviflier blueprints on the internet. Hang on a second. This is a graviflier blueprint. The is the floor of the machine. This is the honeycomb grid in an aluminium foil. This is the veneer. Then there’s the flat coil with a 50 fluorescent coil bulb. And there’s this round lamp. And there’s the grid.

I don’t know how correct this blueprint is. Thing is, I never reject anything outright. I am just like like a hound who catches scent and I like to try everything out and see what happens. The experiment will determine if the blueprint is workable.

At last, the initial construction of the graviflier has begun. You’ve already sent me some links. I can see many people are interested in this research judging by the number of my subscribers. People are sending me links and giving me a lot of advice.

I need to mention one more thing regarding the graviflier. (sighs) A bunch of Grebennikov fans managed to track down and interview his grandson. He said his grandfather had buried various parts of the graviflier in a small wood. He described this small wood in his book titled ‘’My World.’’ I read it and it’s not that difficult to find. These guys combed through this little wood with metal detectors and found a few parts of the graviflier. However the cat was already out of the bag when they went back to the nearest populated area. The authorities had already arrived at the site and confiscated the parts of the graviflier. One eyewitness described what was underneath those platforms before the parts were confiscated. This is where the grid was…and the (sighs) funnels. They were creating those toroidal vortices which can levitate. By the way, Grebennikov calculated their position so that they didn’t intersect. It’s this donut-shaped stuff that makes the structure levitate. Or we can call them energetic vortices.

It’s the ether I talked about in the first part of my video that makes the donut-shaped structures act like a vortex/whirlwind and form a cocoon so to speak. It insulates the floor of the machine (or this grid I am showing you here) and envelops this energetic cocoon, thereby stretching the space. This is a new way of influencing the ether. Now I’ve told you all about the ether and how to see it. Anyone can do it. You don’t need to be clairvoyant to see it. Everyone can see it. But not everyone believes in its existence. It’s like women complaining that men can’t see a stick of butter in the fridge when it’s right in front of their face. They just stare at it like a dumb cow without noticing it. It’s the same story with the ether. It’s omnipresent, but we don’t notice it.

Thing is, our eyes can only detect electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. This is why cats see different things compared to us, humans. Our eyes work differently, that’s all. But we are able to see the ether. You can say we’ve seen blessed with this ability. We can see it, yet we don’t notice it. But we can affect it with different devices once we become aware of it and learn to see it.

Here I’m experimenting with lower beetles’ wings. I try to effect those wings with different physical waves. I’ve decided to try this grid instead of the funnels that had been described. This grid has tiny pyramids. They also can create vortices. I’m going to use ultrasound and some high frequency devices which create a high voltage environment and even those HV contacts once an electrostatic field becomes operational. Furthermore…Oh, this sphere must have caught your attention. Pardon me for steering off topic again. This is going to be my attempt at the Manhattan Project. But that’s another different topic just as interesting as what we’re talking about. I can definitely promise you a groundbreaking video because nobody has ever done it since Tesla in 1943. That was when USS Eldridge disappeared in front of a flabbergasted audience. It was surrounded by an electromagnetic field.

See, electromagnetic fields have different properties. So I am going to repeat this experiment and see how it goes. I don’t know how it’s going to work out. Contact me about it if you’re interested because I’ll be involved in this too.

Let’s go back to Grebennikov. I’ve begun assembling the graviflier, I got some parts, I’m going to use this needle resonator for the grid. I’m trying to recreate the flapping of those lower beetle wings. I’ll just have to use the material available to me. There were no 3D printers when Grebennikov was working on his graviflier. So he used those wings and their hairy surface. He made a device and placed them in a honeycomb. Then he switched on the current. Well, it’s the 21st century so let’s leave the insects alone. We can recreate their structure with the materials available to us.

Okay, the process has begun. I’ve already accomplished some things, I’ve gotten some help and I’ve yet to achieve certain things. You know how incredibly time consuming this experiment is. I have a job and I do this in my free time. Getting the materials also takes time. I’ll appreciate any help and I’ve left my contact info in the links. The speed of my work does depend on your financial aid. I’ll finish the experiment as soon as I buy the necessary materials.

I’m going to share a most interesting thing with you. My camera was off when I was doing my experiments so we could save time (since people complain about my long videos). I discovered a few interesting effects when I was messing with the panels. Do you remember how I was assembling small panels? But here I’m using big ones. I want to recreate lower beetle wings in a laboratory environment. I got a microscope. Now about the ether I’m able to see…You must understand that a camera cannot capture certain things because of its resolution capabilities. But it’s the human eye that can perceive how physical effects impact the ether. This ability can allow us to move in the right direction. We don’t need to second guess anything and we don’t need super complex devices to ascertain whether our path is erroneous or not.

The work goes on. Thanks for watching the video. Please, post your comments. Do keep it civil, I’d really appreciate it. I am pretty open to any criticism. By the way, I really enjoyed one scientific argument I had with one of the commenters. It was totally civil. He challenged me to name at least a few examples of anti-gravity because he thought Grebennikov was a fraudster. And we were just a bunch of gullible fools. I cited ancient Indian vimanas as an example. Isn’t it a good example? Then I brought up the Third Reich UFOs. He said it was all rubbish. Alright then. How about the clouds hanging in the air? A bunch of mass or 500 ton worth of rain inside a storm cloud which can levitate? How about that? He said the clouds were in a dispersed state. Dispersed water molecules can move like any airy mass. Just like dispersed dust particles are capable of levitating.

That’s when I came up with a counter argument. Why doesn’t dispersed dust form clouds? Why doesn’t it levitate at the height of several kilometers? Why hasn’t anybody seen dust clouds? Let alone dust rain? While clouds can be formed when there’s no wind. Then he said a kettle can boil on the stove and the steam goes up and down. Then I countered this argument again. Okay, why don’t the clouds go down when the steam goes up? Shouldn’t they evaporate and get stuck in the air?

Finally, he asked me what other arguments I could make to support my theories. Alright. I mentioned frequent UFO sightings. Just go to YouTube and type in UFO VIDEOS. You can see all kinds of videos going back years now. He said it was nonsense. Why is it nonsense when there are so many of these videos? Do you think every single one is a fraud? At this point, he ran out of ammunition. This was the end of it.

Anyhow, I am interested in your feedback. Share your thoughts about all of this. This is why I started this YouTube channel. I wanted to build this graviflier and I wanted to find new associates. If you want to help me, please watch my videos again and click on the ads.

Bye for now. I’m hoping to get new results soon and make a new video.



Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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