Disc Takeoff and Landing

Diana Thoresen
14 min readNov 18, 2022


DISC TAKEOFF AND LANDING (Questions and Answers)

Welcome to my youtube channel. My name is Alex and I am bringing you another Garage Technologies video. First of all, let me thank those who responded to the information I had been putting out and supporting my channel. I appreciate all your help, friends. I would especially like to thank those to donated to my work. In the last 3 years, only 3 people expressed their gratitude. Once again, I thank you very much, friends. First of all, I would like to apologize for not putting out my videos very often and my failure to frequently respond to the comments. Trouble is, my work requires a lot of travel. I don’t get to spend much time at home and use my computer, let alone engage with Garage Technologies. Still I am trying hard to find the time to update this channel, although I can’t churn out those videos every day lest the quality of my content deteriorates. Again, I am sorry for my failure to respond to your comments and infrequent output. You know how it is: time constraints, family obligations, unforeseen circumstances, etc, etc…I hope for your understanding. For example: last time I came back from a business trip, I was horrified at the comments. I was really freaked out by all the negativity coming my way. I got told my lies had been exposed, so I clicked on the link to see who my detractor was. Wow, it was Andrey Tirtha himself! The great perpetuum mobile guru of household generators and electrostatic linear magnetic motors! By the way, I’d like to see an example of his work with my own eyes. Otherwise all I hear is just empty talk. Let’s see how he has supposedly exposed my lies. I opened his link and I saw he had been getting the very same questions I tend to deal with. Therefore I decided to make this video to answer all your questions, since I can’t answer each question individually. I got 23 thousand subscribers, so it would take a lifetime. The majority of you want to meet me in person, Skype or email me privately. Once again, my internet connection is slow and I use Skype on a flash drive. It would be great to have some face to face interaction and answer some very interesting questions from you at last. So as soon as my area gets high speed internet connection, we can discuss things on Skype and other devices. Okay, let’s move on to other things now.

Has anyone of you ever seen a plane or helicopter fall? I mean before the fall…the movement is gradual…it doesn’t just plop on the ground as if its strings have been suddenly cut off. There is a certain process involved here…there is a magnetic field which gradually increases. Please take a look here (at the screen): there is no gradual descent here. The whole thing falls like a bucket or as if it had been cut off. Now my detractor asks me some questions. Question 1: Why isn’t my disc floating or falling properly? My God, guys, do you launch anti-gravity discs every day? Do you understand their nature and the physics involved in the process? Do you know how they are supposed to float in the air or fall at all? Frankly, such questions sound childish. And we are talking about people involved in physics! I am shocked. Okay, I will explain it for Andrey Tirtha and his ilk: helicopters fly because of air rarefaction above and compression below by the rotors. This difference in pressure allows a helicopter to fly. When the motor stops working, a helicopter still continues to float and soar because of air-rotation. Now we settled this question. Okay, now has anyone seen how an electric excavator operates? Take a look at the video. An electrical magnet is switched on and a heap of metal sticks to it to get lifted. When the magnet is switched off, a piece of metal is demagnetized for a split second and drops. The same process is involved in my work. The disc lifts off/soars because of toroidal whirlwinds which reflect the earth’s gravitational waves. Should any of these parameters change in any way, the disc falls momentarily…okay, maybe with a bit of delay, but it does fall like a bucket filled with screws. This is basically how the Hall effect works. You can google it and research it for yourself. Electromagnetic fields can be switched on and off by this effect and a metallic object can be kept at the same distance. In case this effect no longer works or there is an increase or decrease in electromagnetic fields, the object either moves closer or drops altogether. I think this all should be clear by now. Once the parameters change, there is an instant fall. I hope I won’t have to reply to any more childish questions like that.
Please, take another close look. ‘’He lets the camera roll and this is a very poor quality video. Now we get to see nice and clear shots with green grass, but then there is a sudden switch to a terrible quality picture.’’ Okay, so this is Question 2: Why do I have a good quality video which changes once the camera is pointed skyward? I think the answer is pretty obvious. Go outside on a sunny day and point the camera away from the grass to the sun: the quality of your shot will worsen. It’s like you’re going outside when the sun is shining bright — your eyes are blinded. It takes some time for your eyes to adjust to the light. So I had good light when I was shooting the grass, but once I pointed the camera to the clouds, the sun rays made the picture quality worse. I am amazed at another naïve question coming from people who work with technology.

Now this part is really cracking me up. ‘’Why did he let the camera roll? Just hold the camera and walk around the object to show that nothing is attached to the camera.’’ This is Question 3: Why am I not holding the camera and shooting from a closer distance? You know the electromagnetic field is far too strong and I am getting constant glitches. I have tried shooting at a closer distance and my smart phone had a malfunction. Even my electronic watch which I needed to measure when to switch my accumulator on and off stopped. I had to resort to using a mechanical watch. I trust you get the picture now. Or it’s like watching TV shows about UFOs. Radio stations, electronic devices get jammed, car engines stop during UFO sightings. Here we are experiencing very similar phenomena: our electronic devices simply stop functioning. This is pretty understandable. All electronic devices experience glitches as soon as we move closer.

Alright, here is another important moment. Take a look. This is how the disc is positioned: here is the top and here is the disc that levitates. A person is starting to tug at the wires and lifts it. You can see it being lifted slightly lower or higher. As soon as he — please take a look here — lifts it, he keeps holding on to the wires. A high voltage current would have killed him. Even an isolated wire has 2 high voltage currents…yet he keeps touching the disc and tugging at the wires. Simultaneously we got an incredibly powerful magnetic field which saturates the environment. Plus there is a powerful energy transfer inductor working along with high voltage devices…We got such powerful energy here as a result. Have you seen an ionic-wind aircraft take off? It’s constantly whizzing and zapping the environment with electricity. Yet here you can see a man touch the device and there is no reaction whatsoever! He’s completely unharmed. Or have you seen those Kreosan videos?

(cuts to the Kreosan device footage)

…and nobody is surprised! This is what astounds me. Nobody expresses any surprise at any of this.

Right, let’s move on to Question 3. Actually it would be Question 4. ‘’Why aren’t you getting zapped with an electrical current?’’ Indeed, this is the most well-informed question of all. As you can see, there are wires which supply electricity to the disc motors, plus high voltage pressure. An average wire is connected to an energy transfer inductor. So why am I not getting electrocuted when there is so much pressure? It’s supposed to happen. This is why I made this video where I explain why I remain unharmed. I am going to show it to you now and I hope you will find the answers to all your questions.

Okay, here we go. Now we are going to look at the high voltage part of our experiment. Why can I touch high voltage cables? Everyone is asking me this question. Why am I not getting hit by all this electricity? Let me demonstrate it to you and dispel all your misgivings. Let’s begin with the energy transfer conductor. You can see how I take the device and attach the cable to it. I insert the cable into the energy transfer device. Take a look! I am touching it and I feel nothing. See, I got a house plant here. Let me move the screen a little closer. I can feel the plant is getting prickled a little, but it’s no big deal. I think you can understand why my energy transfer device isn’t zapping me now. Now imagine I attach my mid length cable to the disc and join the other end to the energy transfer conductor. It’s all clear now. And now let’s move to the most fascinating part of our high voltage experiment. Why can I touch high voltage cables and nothing happens? Let’s demonstrate it as I am filming the whole thing now. Let’s look at our devices. This device creates pressure…this is a halogen lamp transformer…this a HV generator electrical component which increases the pressure up to 60 KV. So how could I touch the cables when I got the disc under about 30 KV pressure? I should have been hit by an electrical current for sure. Now pause the video and please write down your ideas about this. How would you explain it? How can you withstand 30 KV pressure when you touch the cables? See, I even wrapped them together, so you can see I am not getting zapped. Okay, I’ll tell you the correct answer now. We keep adding pressure on those devices till it hits the cables, so we can touch the cables safely. A device that increases the pressure has already been installed in the disc itself. That’s how the pressure can reach up to 30 KV in it. Now see how I am switching this device on…now I am touching the cables and letting the current flow. See? I am not getting harmed in any way. I think we are getting 10 KV here while my device inside the disc can go up to 30 KV. This is fairly simple physics. Only those unfamiliar with my engineering work keep asking the same sort of questions. See how logical and easy to explain all of this is? There you go. Now I hope everyone understands why I can touch those cables so safely. There is no need to discuss this further.

‘’Shouldn’t the discs get demagnetized now? They are going to drop in a second.’’ Did you get it? The discs are going to demagnetize and the whole thing is supposed to just drop somewhere. The discs never got demagnetized while we were shooting. They kept hanging in the air. They stayed put at the very same spot. Nothing got demagnetized and nothing dropped anywhere. Keep watching. So here is Question 5 from this person: Why don’t the discs get demagnetized when I walk away? I have already shown you how the pressure increasing device is inside the disc itself which keeps the electrical charge going for some time. Then the charge keeps dropping a little and the parameters change, so the disc drops. I keep the whole process strictly timed. At what time is it necessary to switch high voltage on and off my HV generators? I think this process is easy to understand.

Did you hear that staccato-like sound? You heard it, right? I am going to edit these shots again and play it again? Put your volume up, please. Here we go again. Listen attentively. The same repetitive sound? As if something is slowly unfolding? And then it drops? Nobody ever notices this part, right? Let’s check it out for the third time. All of this is looking so unplanned — as if a simple bucket got tossed. Now we got the last question. Some people say they hear the sound of a coil or fishing line when the device is dropping. Who on earth is hearing these sounds at all? Well, one can imagine all sorts of things. Thing is, my construction has been tested so many times. It has become a bit worn out, so it vibrates and the sound can remind one of a fishing line being unfurled. Some people seem to hear the sound of a string. Oh, and I incidentally stepped on a tree branch as I was walking around. This would explain the snapping sound. Some people ask me why my shirt gets blown by the wind when I am approaching it. I got 2 discs with working magnets attached. This resembles a fan which gets a little synchronized with the air moving through the trees. A weird question, eh? Yes, the disc can levitate, yet its nature is still solid. It can still react to air flow. Have you seen those 3 discs that move a bit like sails? Yes, they can get blown about by the wind.

Now, my friends, let us look at the practical part of our experiment. Now I am going to show you how the disc levitates at my place. I am going to throw this ring on it in order to convince you of something. It is a ring-like hose. It is NOT a fishing line. Remember how I was shooting this last year? This is where I was standing; here were all my devices being regulated laid out. Now you can see some new stuff. This is a gravitational field indicator. I used it to work out my settings. And here’s our disc. Same place, same room. I am going to repeat my last year experiment here again. So here’s our disc. I am not shooting it at a close distance. Otherwise my iPhone is going to malfunction. Because all my electronic watches and devices switch off while the disc is working nearby. This all is very similar to UFO type experiences: car engines and all electronics tend to stop working. My iPhone is no different. Some people think this is a masked drone. This is nonsense. See, I got nothing to hide. These are not ventilators but just 2 discs. All the same magnets. There you go. I will omit the long process of working out the settings. I will only show you how it takes off and throw a ring on it. I see no point in wasting time showing you all the settings. Okay, we are going to shoot it from the same angle/distance again. Okay, I think this is going to be a good spot for my camera. Maybe I’ll get a bit closer. Hang on. Let me get everything ready and we can get started. Hang on a sec. It is…beginning to work. Now I am trying to capture the exact moment it’s going to take off. Go, go, go…it’s taking off! Now let’s fix its position so it remains stable. Wait a moment. Let’s put a ring through the top of it. As you can see, the ring is perfectly solid. Let me throw it. There you go. It’s levitating. Let’s move it to the left. It’s necessary to constantly regulate it. Now it’s hanging in the air. The thing even looks like a home-made UFO! Now I am going to remove the clamp from the energy transfer conductor and the disc is going to fall. Not too fast, though. It’s going to be slow. Okay, I removed the clamp, so let’s wait a minute. There you go.

As you can see from the video, I responded to a serious challenge that had been presented to me. I hope everyone is satisfied with my answers. Finally, I’d like to respond to the final and most important question which seems to interest everyone. When am I going to disclose the blueprints and descriptions of my anti-gravity device? Dear friends, I am going to do it for my next video. I might make another video before that because putting down all the theory behind the blueprints and various documentation is going to be very time consuming. I will need to find a way to make all this knowledge accessible and understandable to everyone. This disc is a very complicated thing. The technology behind it only seems to be so simple. Any specialist in radio electronics can work with the blueprints and build the device, but the settings can be very tricky. The entire experiment will fail if you don’t figure how to work with them properly. You need to take many nuanced aspects of this work into account. It’s like satellite dishes may seem so simple, yet they can have many confusing settings. Here it’s the same. You won’t be able to work with the settings properly without theoretical knowledge. This is why I must explain the theory to you along with the blueprints. I will have to walk you through this whole process. Eventually everything is fairly logical and easy to explain. Even the questions that baffle so many people can be easily answered. This was the purpose of this video. I hope everyone is happy now.

In conclusion, I’d like to thank everyone for their support. Thank you all. I would also like to add that I am going to spend more time on my blueprints to make them more accessible. You know a simple electronic tube attached to a TV set is very easy to construct. It consists of cubes and 4 outcoming electrodes. Yet the blueprint which underlines this is very hard to understand. We are dealing with something similar here. An anti-gravity device seems easy to construct, yet do try to configure all the settings correctly and make all the parameters work so it can take off. I have been involved in this type of work for a long time. It is what it is. Finally, I’d like to respond to a few people who say they used to respect me while I was involved in Viktor Grebennikov’s research before I stumbled into this sort of weirdness. Now they feel disappointed in me. Dear friends, my work doesn’t contradict other scientists’ paths. I have been studying Grebennikov, Searl, Charles, etc. I can see analogies in all those experiments. Both Charles and Searl are practically identical in their thinking. Their work even reminds me of the Nazi Bell project somewhat. I’d be interested in recreating this experiment. I am also involved in John Hutchinson experiments and aim to repeat them. At least I’d like to try his research out. Obviously he prefers to conceal his technology, but I have picked up a few clues and leads in his videos. He has left some leads. I’d also like to recreate Ignatov’s flying machine. This scientist died when he was bringing his anti-gravity machine blueprints to Moscow. He was found dead on a train with his briefcase and luggage missing. His daughter said he had those blueprints there. A blueprint of his is available on the internet and I want to try his technology out. I see so many analogies in this line of research. I am quite perceptive by nature and I have managed to connect quite a few dots. I intend to share my thoughts in my future videos. Overall, I am using research from different sources and I am working on different projects. I definitely see a great deal of similarity in all work done in the field. Once you delve into somebody’s research, you gain access to all those other streams of information. I think I am moving in the right direction by studying different lines of research. They all have been very helpful to me and I have gotten good results already.

Okay, this would be all for today. I hope you enjoyed my presentation. Please leave comments. I have a sneaking suspicion quite a bit of negativity will invariably come my way again. My settings filter out most profanity. Unfortunately there will always be those who love to hate just to hate. Anyhow, let’s all try to be civil here. All constructive criticism is very welcome. Write to me in the comments section and I will reply as soon as I can. Bye for now and have a wonderful day.

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Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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