The Donbass Cowboy: A War Journal Afterward

Diana Thoresen
5 min readJun 21, 2021


The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City
April 27, 1961

The Hero’s Journey consists of 3 basic stages: departure, initiation, return. What has motivated Russell to leave familiar surroundings? A call to adventure is actually a single image of a young innocent civilian: in those last minutes of her life, someone made a video from which a picture was produced. She looked into the camera as if to ask, “What will you do about this?” When I saw that photo, I knew I was coming to Donbass, to defend people like Inna, to avenge her murder, and to punish those who had killed her. Refusal to ignore this event also simultaneously becomes an act of rebellion against the entire mindset that has become dominant in the so called free West. In a neo-liberal/postmodern society, everything is up to interpretation by parties with different ideologies. Good and evil cannot possibly exist as a tangible reality because a postmodern society lacks a clear definition of what constitutes morality from both the legal and ethical point of view.

The goal of postmodernism is to see human society abort fundamental human aspirations like faith, love, family, beauty, pursuit of justice and truth. Now it is the pursuit of justice and truth that becomes a reason for an archetypal departure into the Unknown. Western media has turned the notion of universal truth and universal perception of reality as such into a storm of perspectives overcoming hard facts. In the departure stage of his narrative, the author cites a secret meeting between Ukraine’s acting Prime Minister and CIA Director John Brennan in Kiev. The anti-terrorist operation against Donbass began within 2 days and it is continuing to this day.

The hero’s initiation into the Unknown begins with a very curious and seemingly meaningless incident. In a largely accidental and humorous exchange, Russell is momentarily conflated with Ridley Scott’s main character or actor in his film Gladiator. This little snippet of everyday triviality is remarkably appropriate because the Roman Imperial office was controlled by the Praetorian Guard and the cult of Sol Invictus Mithras starting from Commodus (Russell Crowe’s main adversary in the film). American occult author Tracy Twyman didn’t live very long after publishing a novel based on Michael Bloomberg’s revival of Mithraism in the City of London. Interestingly, being directly asked whether one accepts the idea of the deep state (Was the US government involved in 9/11?) also resurfaces during the recruitment interview for the fledgling Novorossiyan army.

Overcoming adversity (both external and within one’s own ranks) against all odds is a stereotypical part of the Hero’s Journey. However should the victories of a struggling and often incompetent voluntary resistance army against the likes of Biden, McCain, Clinton, Nuland be seen as a miracle performed by peasant Untermenschen against the self-proclaimed moral leader of the free world? The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier describes the Battle of Stalingrad as a resounding defeat of mystical superior beings by mere human men.

However America’s rejection of reality and sheer infantilism of American elites make any comparisons to the mighty Wehrmacht completely ridiculous. American way of war is very predictable: the objective is always a swift military victory with little to no regard of strategic policy success. The desired political (a coup) and military outcomes rarely align, if at all. As a result, spreading democracy and upholding their so called ‘’civilization’’ necessitates killing, starving and displacing a few million people. Assassination of military and political leaders is another arsenal in US messianic crusades to transform the common lead of humanity into the ever elusive alchemical gold.

Indifference to the casualties inflicted on the enemy (Russell covers this part quite eloquently) and wanting to win their wars quickly has also greatly contributed to the US losing the arms race. US aircraft carriers couldn’t survive a conventional war with the Soviet Union already by 1980s. In 2018, 70% of TLAMs (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, a premier American stand-off weapon) were shot down by the Syrians. Iran’s retaliation on NATO contingents has clearly demonstrated impotence of US anti-missile technology which failed to intercept a single Iranian missile. Modern Russian hypersonic weapons such as Kinzhal have a range of 2000 kilometers and are not interceptable by existing US anti-missile systems. Supersonic weapons (tested on ISIS land targets by Russia) are becoming popular items on the international weapons market.

History operates in cycles. Is there a deeper meaning to Donbass people’s struggle for freedom beyond mere survival? A few weeks ago (June 12), Vladimir Putin toured the exhibition History of Russia as seen by artists: Towards the 800th birth anniversary of Alexander Nevsky in Moscow.

How many years did they keep looting Constantinople?

60 years.

This was Putin’s question to his tour guide, Metropolitan Tikhon of Pskov. Alexander Nevsky, a Rurikid Prince, knew what a union with the West would bring to his people. Russia fought exactly the same global forces of evil (the Vatican playing the deep state role by organizing endless crusades against the Eastern Roman Empire and Russia, its spiritual and cultural heir) 800 years ago. The Western Europe as we know it today (or whatever even remains of it by now) is built on relics taken from Constantinople and owes its Renaissance to an influx of Greek books.

In 2015, information war against Russia reached its peak and this brings us to the return stage in the Hero’s Journey. As an information warrior, the author invites us to join him and embark on our own Hero’s Journey (even though we may not be surrounded with fratres bearing names like Mars, Orion, and Spartacus). Russia’s reunification with Crimea, Qatar and Saudi Arabia expressing their desire to have diplomacy with President Assad are important milestones in history which men like Russell Bonner Bentley and his allies worldwide have dreamed into existence.

Truth is a wisdom code that enables one to take risks and implement change in the world. Our fundamentally human capacity to perceive truth is invariably connected to our inherent need for beauty. Doing what we know to be right brings us a sense of inner serenity akin to contemplating a beautiful sunset or exquisite painting. The Navajo tradition has a special Blessing Way ceremony intended to bring harmony to the cosmos and all things which ends with the Beauty Prayer. Each phrase of this prayer describes one facet of our relationship with beauty and what the embrace of beauty could bring to our lives where our inner beliefs become outer events. I hope every reader of The Donbass Cowboy has found a measure of beauty in this unique book.

In beauty I walk

With beauty before me I walk

With beauty behind me I walk

With beauty above me I walk

With beauty around me I walk

It has become beauty again

It has become beauty again

It has become beauty again

It has become beauty again

Diana Thoresen

Palm Cove, Australia




Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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