Graviflyer Metal: An Overview of its Mysterious Properties

Diana Thoresen
7 min readNov 18, 2022


Hello, friends. Welcome to Garage Technologies again. Today’s video will touch upon this mysterious metal many people have been asking me about. What’s the nature of this metal?

This is a texturized aluminum disc with anodyne plating. Look at any beetle’s wings. The upper side is soft and the lower side is rough. This roughness mirrors the roughness of the disc very closely. In fact, my disc practically copies this roughness. What’s the significance of this? I’ll demonstrate you a few experiments where I am going to test this metal. I have prepared a few metallic discs. 2 discs have a smooth surface and one disc is rough to touch. I want to show you what this surface roughness can do for us if we want to extract an electrical current out of it.

This is a galvanometer which works as a usual accumulator. This is regular tap water, and I didn’t add any salt to it. I just want to check what my experiment will result in. At first I want to test 2 smooth discs. The current is at 2 V. Let’s see how strong the electrical charge will get. We are submerging the discs in the water. Let’s see…we got.025V with smooth discs. Now the current is getting weaker. The result can also depend on the distance. Let’s take.025V as our final result.

Now let’s look at our trial disc. What results are we going to get? I am attaching it…There you go! We got.50V. The roughness of the surface is obviously important. That’s why beetles have both smooth and rough parts. Just look at how different our results were. Nothing is accidental when it comes to nature. So beetles are producing an electrical charge in a similar fashion. They possess this property. I was using regular tap water: there is nothing acidic there. I was using a small accumulator. And look what effect a combination of smooth and rough surface discs are having. We are up to.060V…and the current is getting stronger! We don’t observe this effect with smooth discs.

Nature is wise indeed. Matter, space, structure…none of it is ever accidental. My goal is to penetrate those secrets of creation. My mind often gets blown away when I embark on my experiments. In fact, it feels terrifying sometimes. How far can an experiment go?

The current is still intensifying as you can see. I didn’t get this with smooth discs. It’s a paradox. I got your usual galvanometer and the same metal. Yet see what an interesting experiment we ended up with. Totally different results. Remember the number we got? It was.060V. Let’s switch on our smooth disc again. See how the numbers keep dropping? We didn’t get this with the other disc.

Okay, now you have witnessed the properties of this metal. I am still continuing my experiments. I’d like to see what happens if one directs the top of an ultrasound generator towards this metal. How is it going to work afterwards? I’d have to adjust the frequencies, etc. Upper wings of beetles still fascinate me. It’s said they can generate electricity when bathed in ultraviolet light. It’s an unsolved mystery to me. I have yet to check this for myself since I don’t own an ultraviolet lamp yet. Once I get it, I’ll try this out for sure.

Alright, I got some more interesting stuff to share with you. It’s just some information I managed to find out related to this subject. I am always looking for the easiest way to make things levitate because — you know — I am 100% sure that the solution must be extremely simple. My path seems far too complicated and therein lies my mistake. All true genius is simplicity. I became convinced of this when I heard of Roswell UFO stuff. They never found the diesel inside the flying saucer. They found nothing. The whole thing was basically an asymmetrical condenser made of various domes. By the way, I have already talked about this in my videos.

Let’s move on to the next topic now. I don’t know if you ever heard of the scientist whose last name was Ignatov. I am going to show you his photo now. And here’s an image of his anti-gravity machine. What does it remind you of? Your first impression? That’s right! It resembles 4 Tesla coils combined in the shape of a cross…or a vajra. What might a vajra and Ignatov’s device have in common? Here’s another piece of information for you. Do you remember my last video? I told you that Hutchinson was using Tesla’s longitudinal waves with 2 or more coils? Now do you understand what I am driving at? 2 or more coils. Here we can also see Tesla coils except that they are six-sided. Now let’s remember Grebennikov. What did he have to say about six-sided honeycomb structures? He viewed them as a wave lighthouse. Look at the pictures closely again, please. What do you see? The same wave-like coils. See, the vajra, Grebennikov’s technology, Tesla and Indian mythology are all relevant here. The vajra is a sacred object in Indian culture. Supposedly, holding a vajra and reciting mantras can help one increase one’s vitality and improve health. It’s used as a meditation object. It works as an antenna to harmonize human consciousness with the finer vibrations of our energy-informational field of the universe. The Hindus used it to get their information about the vimanas, etc.

Let’s go back to Ignatov’s anti-gravity machine. He began designing and testing it with his university students. This construction was said to weigh over 5 tons. The model you’re seeing on the screen has been known to work. Once again, the design resembles a vajra with Tesla coils. How did this story end? He took his blueprints to Moscow and was found dead on his train. His briefcase and blueprints were missing. Some powerful people are keeping an eye on this sort of work as you can clearly see now. And it’s not just the scientists who engage in this type of research. There are plenty of amateur enthusiasts. Let me show you a video clip.

(in Cyrillic: ‘’A. Loshak made a film about Alexander Lukovishnikov from the Urals and his Graviton a few years ago.’’)

(poor audio quality; excerpts from Russian TV reports about levitating objects; no sound during most of the video)

(in Cyrillic: ‘’What makes Lukovishnikov’s device levitate? Share your comments with us.’’)

Now you can see there are plenty of enthusiasts out there from this video. Unfortunately they are being suppressed and intimidated. I am also trying to find an simple way…which is turning out to be rather difficult. God willing, I’ll have some success.

I’ve also tried levitating coils and experimented with different frequencies. My coils would get blown apart. If you connect 100 folds of 30 cm diameter coil to a switch, it begins to jump. This only proves that the magnetic field created by the coil is having a huge impact on the space. It doesn’t interact with objects but with the space itself. It’s not even necessary to use a metal plate. Just put it on a plexiglass surface and it starts to jump and vibrate. The Lorentz force is a factor of course. Still, it’s a fascinating experiment.

Later I am going to try another experiment with the ultrasound and how it’s going to influence the discs. I am also going to try to experiment with an asymmetrical condenser. I am still working on my experiments. I might make a special video about psychotronic weapons. I tapped into something really interesting during my ultrasound and infrasound experiments…It’s a way of making a weapon. But I’ll talk about it another time.

Many people are involved in this field. Searl is one of them that are still alive. There’s something murky about his old man. He says nothing. He only shows his generator which can revolve but it doesn’t levitate. He could have been more open about his work. Once again, it’s likely he’s been threatened. So he says nothing. Okay, I have shared everything I know with you. I got nothing to hide.

I’d like to show you my failed experiment of my disc take-off and landing. I just keep working at it. I share my successes with you. Today I’d like to show you some of my past video fragments that got edited out. One more thing. Guys, you were so right. About that ring that was never shown in the footage: I was positive it would be in the picture when I turned on the camera. I never noticed the ring was missing. Oh well. And that comment about my hands…some were saying I was using them to open and close the ring. Please take a look at the reflection on the cap: my hands were wide apart. The ring just lay there. I am certainly going to re-shoot this fragment, so you all can see solid evidence of my experiment. It was my mistake to permit this sort of sloppiness. Next time I will skip the inflexible ring and use a normal ring. I will show it from every angle and throw it, so we settle this issue once and for all.

Now let’s look at the fragments that didn’t originally make it into my videos.

(video fragments)

Okay, I think I have shared everything in this video. The nature of the metal doesn’t matter. It’s the structure that makes all the difference. Steel, copper or anything else…what really matters is the structure. Smooth vs rough surface. Combine them together and you have a condenser. There’s another thing I should have mentioned in my previous video. Look at the drawing on the screen. If we charge any object with electrons, it begins to lift. If we got a — below and a + above, the thing can levitate. If we reverse the polarity, the disc drops. Take a look at the drawing which I found on the internet. I am not making anything up. I analyze data from various sources and keep trying new things.

Thank you for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it. See you again.

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Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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