Grebennikov Graviflier Blueprints

Diana Thoresen
14 min readMar 14, 2021


Hello and welcome to Garage Technologies. Today we are going to discuss Grebennikov’s graviflier. I’ve
been asked to review this topic, so let’s get it done. I often get comments (both through email and my
youtube channel) along the lines of Grebennikov being a charlatan and his pictures being fake. As
reasonable people, we need to retain a bit of skepticism about every new bit of information that comes our
way. I decided to analyze all the data I’ve been getting from my subscribers, various membership only
internet forums and stuff being sent to me personally. I like to check my sources before I prove or
disprove a theory.
Today we are going to talk about Grebennikov’s platform exclusively. I am sure you’ve heard a lot about
it already. Many bloggers merely mention what they’ve read in Grebennikov’s book. Now let’s cover this
subject in detail. Okay, first things first. What do we know about the platform? Let’s reconstruct it in
detail. What is inside of it? I’m not going to burden you with the theoretical side of things — this is outside
the scope of this one video. There are many blueprints of this construction and I’ll briefly summarize the
gist of them for you.
Take a look at this model. Do you remember how beetles’ lower wings are dotted all over?
Here’s a model that a subscriber sent to me. Here you can clearly see a man standing, here’s the
wrap…What else? Here you can see toroidal vortices. Here’s what the writing says: an electrical magnet
with spiraling properties + the process of overcoming gravity. Let’s look at the platform itself. This
blueprint is very basic and it’s hard to make out every detail.
Here’s another grid blueprint for us. Actually it’s the blinds.
And here’s an image of a lower beetle wing. The platform itself is based on its physical properties. You
can see the bristles and the electric current. Also, there is a reflective surface.
How does the whole thing operate? We can clearly see the reflectors and a bifilar coil. There’s even a mini
Tesla transformer (the so called Brovin kacher) blueprint. The voltage applied is 15,000v. We need to go
over those blueprints another time.
Now there’s a more detailed one. A magnifying glass would certainly help. There’s a tree at the top of the
page. There we see the bristles, some glass and a honeycomb resembling structure. Right here the pointer
says ‘’copper’’. There’s high voltage next to it. Then we see a wooden box and the bristles. What’s next?
Our honeycombs? Do you remember what Grebennikov had to say about hexagonal structures? They
function as wave resonators. Then we see the blinds and our toroidal donut-shaped vortices. We can also
see them in more detail below.
Okay, okay, okay. This blueprint is very complex to figure out. If you can pause the video and draw it for
yourself…A magnetic field resonator is drawn here, albeit it’s a little sketchy. We definitely could use
more detail.

Now look at this picture. ‘’Radiation direction.’’ The blinds in the openings. Let’s move on to other
This a full model of how beetles’ wings operate. Those holes are made of ceramics and here’s the foil and
the bristles. The current is 12KV. 1.5 is the height number for the bristles or needles. Any vessel is
magnetized to the left side; any vessel is repelled from the right side as per our blueprint. This reminds me
of a Chizhevsky’s chandelier. (*Chizhevsky’s chandelier is a device that serves to enrich air with negative
polarity aero ions.)
Please, look at this blueprint. This model also copies beetles’ wings to some extent. The grid itself, the
holes, the part which transforms vertices. And there’s wooden paneling above. As we can see, a high
voltage current is applied to the grid and the upper electrode.
Here’s a model by Dorokhov. Do you remember all the questions about where Grebennikov would put the
voltage part of his blueprint? It’s right here. Here’s the battery, here’s the high voltage source (27–30
thousand volts). The red part is the transformer. The green part is the stand along with the cable channel.
The brown part: here’s a panel block which consists of flat condensers, here’s an insulator which consists
of a movable stand, here’s a + charged electrical wire. Here’s the wooden paneling in yellow. Here’s
another insulator which consists of an immovable stand. Then we can see the dischargers. And here’s a
filter block which consists of a small grid. They probably used a TV set component for this tiny grid. It’s
probably a cinemascope mask. A so called slit mask. Lower blinds consist of a larger grid.
Next we can see dischargers for the condenser. Then we apply a — charge to this structure right here. The
+ charge is applied to the upper part right here. A high voltage charge. As you can see, the — charge is
applied closer to the earth because the earth is negatively charged. This negative charge contributes to the
toroidal vertoices and that’s how the entire structure can levitate.

Let’s look at one more blueprint…Can you see how we re-create the surface of lower beetle wings? I’m
looking for the right file. Oh, this reminds me…I have a few files about the formation of electric impulses.
One of my subscribers sent this to me. Just let me open this file. As you can see, there’s a grid involved in
this model as well. Now we’ll take a closer look and see how it copies beetles’ wings.
Here’s the picture. We have a dotted surface which creates a vortex. The square consists of a material
dielectric component and a grid. Let’s look at more images.
This is another side.
And this is where a vortex is formed. It’s a closer view. These openings create standing waves.

This is how the model looks in a different state. What else have I got here? Let me show you one more
thing. Let’s omit the Nazi Bell project because I have a few Schauberger dics blueprints. Speaking of the
grid…We need to examine those files.
Again, do you remember what I had to say about beetles’ wings? I have investigated this effect myself.
Those small holes create a toroidal vortex.
Here’s a close-up.
Here you can see the bristles or small hairs. They retain the electrical charge. Let’s go back to the platform
We can also see the bristles on this blueprint. Yes, we can see them again.
Those bristles approximate what we see here. They create a toroidal field. Grebennikov himself
mentioned the possibility of flying via donut-shaped toroidal vertices or currents.
So they create those grids or masks…This is the picture of our famous beetle. People have called it a
scarab or longhorn beetle. Although I’m inclined to believe it’s a jewel beetle.

Here they are. Can you see how it’s been totally copied? This resembles the technology behind
Chizhevsky’s chandelier.
Let’s take a look at this blueprint one more time. Here you can see the size of the bristles. Here’s the foil,
here’s the ceramics. It’s like you can imagine this wing with small cavities. So what do we get with all
this? Once we electrically charge the whole structure, any body is magnetized from this side and any body
is repelled from that side (left vs right). It’s very similar to the Biefield-Brown effect. But our technology
is just a little different.
Here we can see how similar those technologies are. So much for those really well-known blueprints.
Now let’s move to the notebook where I had some blueprints and forms because I want to show you
something extra.
Here we go. Okay, we’ve looked at this one already.

Right, we need to go back to this picture again. Here’s the grid and here’s the part which transforms
toroidal vertices. If we try to re-create this model, we’ll end up with something like a Chizhevsky
chandelier. However our impulses will be different.
Let’s take a look at another interesting thing I’ve found. ‘’The mystery of Grebennikov’s flying platform
solved!’’ I got this from another subscriber of mine from a limited access internet forum. I’m not going to
overwhelm you with too much detail here. In short, we have the entire ether theory described and how
everything is based on this theory. Now there’s a part that is particularly interesting.
Here’s a June bug and they explain how it flies contrary to the laws of aerodynamics. It’s being compared
to other species of bugs, but it’s all the same principle at work. It’s just that this principle is more
pronounced with the jewel beetle. Yet we are still to analyze the most interesting stuff here. Okay, we’re
skipping the theory part again. Now please take a look.
The red line is a small sized positively charged electrode (a copper plate). The blue line is a dielectric.
The part underneath is the negatively charged activated charcoal. And we got a transformer (10–20Kv). A
+ current is applied to a positively charged plate; a — current is applied to a negatively charged plate. The
distance in this model is pretty important — we can’t have any gaps under high voltage. It’s a matter of
Next model. Once again, you can see a grid. I don’t know why but all blueprints of gravifliers which have
been probably been put together by various enthusiasts have grids in them. The black circles are activated
charcoal tablets with a pinned grid.
Here’s a graviflier model which was constructed by the author of this particular blueprint according to his
theories. It says: ‘’Grebennikov used activated charcoal with two muzzles. This is how he constructed a –
charged electrode. He used a ready made wooden box divided into two separate parts. This sketch has
only one part because the second part is identical. Okay, let’s take a look at it now. The dotted part is a
metallic grid of time. The blue part is fabric which serves us as beetles’ bristles. Then we got the red part
which is an insulator made of plexiglass. The lines in the middle depict the activated charcoal from a
muzzle filter. All in all, this whole model resembles the lower wing again. The red part is the foiled
textolite. Then we got a + contact terminal. And then we got a — contact terminal (red lines pointing
downwards). The orange cubes are the wooden box. Okay, what does the writing say? ‘’We put the foiled
textolite or plexiglass textolite at the bottom of the wooden box. Then we drill an opening for a + contact
terminal and pull it downwards. Then a dielectric is connected (a piece of plexiglass for example) whilst
it’s important to consider the gap for a high voltage current. A second– contact terminal is connected to
the dielectric (it can be glued), then it’s pulled downwards. The conductive surface must be outside (and
connected to the activated charcoal).’’
Here’s a flying platform take-off blueprint. ‘’The platform takes off when we electrically charge
asymmetrical condenser contact terminals with 10–20Kv. Grebennikov used a button placed at the control
panel steering wheel.’’ Yes, it’s this little red square right where I’m pointing at. I once mentioned

asymmetrical condensers and the role they play in one of my previous videos. By the way, Bielfield-
Brown had the same theme in his experiments. He managed to levitate an asymmetrical condenser one

time. And the thing was pretty heavy. Unfortunately, this experiment was classified and we don’t have
access to his exact model. The only thing we can come across is that silly flying frame and everyone is
sick of it by now. But this blueprint is different. We even have a description.
‘’Once the START button is pressed, the ‘’Krona’’ battery charges a voltage transformer which adjust the
current as necessary: 10–20Kv. The flying platform is simultaneously beginning to take off in a vertical
direction. As the condenser self discharges (the ether strives for equilibrium and that’s how a discharge
happens), the platform lands. In order to control the take-off, Grebennikov used metallic flaps which were
placed at the platform corners underneath and controlled via little cables connected to the control panel
steering wheel. Any model for the blinds can be used as long as they can re-direct the gravitational
current. The platform ‘’nozzle’’ is visually divided into four parts as the blueprint indicates. The flaps are
placed below. Grebennikov used fan-shaped flaps. In my opinion, it’s better to use the blind model.
Although it’s more difficult to construct.’’

You remember his flying platform pictures, right? Hang on, I’ll show you those blinds. Oh yes, here’s
another grid picture modeled after beetles. I got way too much stuff here. But I can tell you that you can
see the lower blind part taking off in his ‘’My World’’ book. It’s all modeled after beetles. I copied the
same principle in my work.
By the way, here’s the same sort of stuff. You can see those corner blinds and they are open. This
blueprint shows them partially open. Grebennikov had his platform totally closed. Let’s move on.
‘’Any model for the blinds can be used as long as they can re-direct the gravitational current.’’
In other words, we are talking about properties inherent in the ether here. They re-direct the current. It’s a
transformational process so to speak. The model was being lifted by the ether itself or, rather, its currents.
These are our flaps. ‘’The flying platform underneath.’’ Okay. It’s a very sketchy blueprint and we don’t get
to see the model itself.
Here’s the voltage transformer (the red part): 10Kv.
Here’s the platform. You can try to copy this blueprint if you’re interested. Why can’t I re-create it if I got
all this knowledge? Guys, I have been trying but coronavirus restrictions prevent me from leaving the
house. I can’t purchase any electrical supplies either at the moment. We’ll have to postpone the work until
the epidemic crisis is over. But we got enough information to work with for the time being. Oh, and all
this ether theory here is consistent with other people’s findings.
Let me show you the second part and what people from the forums have sent to me. Right, let’s look at
other models now. Just let me walk you through the theory part. As I like to say, theory without practice
is blind and practice without theory is blind. All theory of gravitation is based on the ether. The cosmic
ether is the most basic physical building block of the universe. It permeates all physical space. Outside of
the ether, nothing exists in the universe. Physical, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields are mere
forms of the etheric flow. All elementary parts of all substances — be they protons, electrons, neutrons -

consist of the ether. Being deformed polarities of an etheric environment, atoms of various substances and
other universal bodies consist of the ether. I get asked whether I know what gravity is very often. Yes, I
do know what it is. Gravity is the pressure that the ether exerts on elementary particles of the matter
which summary vector is directed towards the center of the earth or other cosmic body. If this cosmic
body has a larger mass, the levitation effect becomes the result/direction of changing the influence on the
matter by stirring an etheric environment. The gravity effect is based on matter heterogeneity which is
responsible for creating motion in space. This pretty much covers it.
Let’s look at the next thing.
Here’s a graviflier blueprint. It’s one of the models. Let’s analyze it. We got the machine floor, a
honeycomb wrapped in aluminum foil, plywood, a flat inductor with 50 coils, a round luminescent lamp
(it’s outlined right here), plus a moving grid. This part is a generator. One current is applied to the grid
and another current is applied to the honeycomb. We also got the lamp working. Okay, let’s omit all the
technical issues for those of you with degrees in humanities watching this. It’s just one of the models.
Please take a look at one more model. This has also been sent to me by my subscribers. I put all the
blueprints down in my notebooks. This is a 20x20 (cm?) plank followed by a grid. This grid was pulled
out of a TV cinemascope or slit mask as they also call it. Then we have some porous material. Then we
have the blinds. Here they are. We charge the blinds with a -current; the grid/slit mask is charged with a +
current. Traditionally, the earth is considered to be negatively charged. The atmosphere is positively
charged. This whole blueprint relies on this polarity. Fine, let’s get to the next point.
This is another blueprint. This is the foil, some glass and the grid. Both grid and foil are given a high
voltage charge. The glass is experimentally adjusted so that we don’t have any gaps. You can try throwing
something small here and see if it levitates.
This is the negatively charged earth and this is the positively charged atmosphere. This blueprint also uses
the same polarity. The grid acts like the earth and affects with the rest of the model.
And this is a Schauberger disc blueprint. The — current is applied to the negatively charged part; the +
current is applied to the middle disc.
We can see the same polarity with beetles’ wings. Positively charged electrodes are above; the body itself
is negatively charged.
This is how the upper wing is reconstructed as a machine. This is the copper plate, the bristles…This part
is charged with a + current. Then we have the insulator which looks like a resonator with openings. And

here we got the activated charcoal and a plate with a negatively charged electrode. So you can try re-
creating this model.


Okay, next model. What do we see here? The honeycomb, the foil (which acts as an anode/14Kv), the
dielectric, the TV part/slit mask. If we put all these parts together, we get something that resembles
beetles’ wings.
It’s another idea I got from my subscribers who conduct their own experiments. Someone tried wrapping
honeycombs in foil and giving a high voltage current to a TV flyback transformer. And their object
jumped away. I’ll try doing it myself. I’ve amassed so many blueprints — I don’t know which ones should
be my priority. Unfortunately, all experiments have to be postponed because of the lockdown.
We can see the same familiar pattern at work here again. The positively charged electrode is connected to
a + part; the dielectric, the negatively charged electrode is connected to the activated charcoal. 10–20Kv is
necessary. Make sure you get the polarity right. Again, this blueprint copies beetles’ wings.
Another more blueprint I had copied. This is the cover, foil, honeycombs wrapped in foil, plywood, HV
transformer which resembles a bifilar coil, and a slit mask which is negatively charged as always. The
honeycombs wrapped in foil are positively charged. It’s just another model worth experimenting with. I’ve
yet to try it.
This blueprint is already familiar to us.
I got another Grebennikov levitation platform blueprint. 1. Frame. 2. Foil. 3. Dielectric grid. 4. Foil. 5.
Dielectric grid. 6. Fans. It’s a layered cake. Foil 2 + fans get a high voltage current. Right here and right
there. ‘’HV.’’ Foil 4 gets a low voltage current. I think a high impulse Brovin Kacher/Tesla Coil could be
useful here. I haven’t tried this yet. What’s next? I think this would be it for now. I got my own blueprints.
But I want to keep them private for now. They also involve a grid and honeycombs, etc. Enough of the
graviflier information for today. As you can see, my street is totally empty because of the lockdown, so I
am stuck at the house.
Bye for now from Garage Technologies.



Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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