
Diana Thoresen
4 min readNov 18, 2022


Telepathy (Garage Tech)

Hello, this is Alexey again. Welcome to my Garage Technologies channel.

Today I want to cover an extra topic: telepathy. Don’t worry, I’ll go back to the graviflier in my next videos. I already have some new things to share with you. The subject I want to discuss today is highly interesting. I want to talk about innate human abilities, and telepathy is one of them. I can give more talks about this topic if this video generates enough interest.

So here’s today’s topic. How does one read somebody’s thoughts at a distance? I want to share one practice which I began a long time ago. I’ve had success with it. Everyone must have heard about Vanga, a famous Bulgarian mystic. She could predict the future with sugar cubes. Crystals are known for their ability to store information. They act as crutches of sorts for a clairvoyant.

Today I’m going to talk about my pyramids. I modelled them after Egyptian pyramids so I could grow a particular type of crystal. You can use salt crystals. Crystals like that. They are also very good at downloading information. There’s also simple table salt. You can just use it instead. It’s regular salt you can buy anywhere.

How does the method work? Pour some salt into your hand. Sit down and mentally envision some object. Try to establish a telepathic link with your relatives for a start. Your relative’s bio-energetic field is attuned to your personal frequency. People begin to share one bio-energetic field if they share the same space. Take either of those crystals in your hand (the bigger ones are better because they are natural). You need to relax mentally. Try to make a wish or think of an object. Give the crystals to somebody else. They need to also quiet their mind and those crystals (and the bio-energetic field) should be able to transmit your thought forms.

Now I need to show you why I got my pyramids here. I grew a special type of crystal. This is how it’s done. At first we need some water. We are going to use a very strong saline solution. Next we need to get the pyramid ready. I modelled this pyramid after Egyptian pyramids, which means it’s built according to the golden ratio. Then we take our compass. We need to position it between the south and west. The compass is strictly oriented towards the north. It’s important to place every angle of the pyramid correctly. We try to place our glass under the apex of the pyramid. Now we need to position the compass. Okay, the angles must be oriented towards the north. Let’s say this is the south and this is the north. This construction will help us generate very special crystals with highly enhanced capabilities to store information. Such crystals are truly something out of this world. You can try this at home. Make a small pyramid and put the same glass of water in the freezer. You’ll see that the water will freeze in a very unusual way. It will form crystals.

Let’s add another pyramid to maximize the effect. We’re covering one pyramid with another. Again, let’s check the compass. Everything is correct. Now we’ve doubled the effect. The angles of the pyramids (which are accumulating the energy) are kick starting a special process which will create a special crystal. The energy is concentrated right here (points at the middle of the pyramid). You can just google it. Talking about pyramid sections will be a waste of time. All this information is easily available. It’s important to abide by the golden ratio rule. There’s a lot of information about it on the internet. I used the same law when building my pyramid. I merely doubled the effect.

My salt will start turning into crystals in a few days. It’s going to happen in a very peculiar way. The crystals will be completely polarized, which will make them highly effective in downloading and storing data. On the second or fourth day, this process will begin. You can open the pyramid in 2–3 weeks and you’ll see piece of salt looking like this at the edges of your glass. Here I was using regular salt bought in a store. But this pyramid has grown a special type of crystal. It’s really excellent at storing information.

Next something miraculous is going to happen. Take the salt in your hands, make a wish or think of something and give it to a relative. He or she will be able to tap into your thoughts. The crystal will be able to transmit this information. You’ll have an open telepathic channel. Try it for yourself if you’re interested.

This is pretty much it. Good luck with this journey. Next time we’ll talk about dowsing if you’re interested. Esoteric science does frown on spirit evocation, but we aren’t going to talk about this sort of thing. I just want to talk about telepathy, telekinesis, etc, etc…

This is a vast field of study. If it interests you, let me know in your comments and we can continue talking about this topic. In the meantime, good luck with your ESP exercises. I got results with telepathy during my third or fourth attempt. But if you keep developing your psychic abilities, you won’t be needing salt crystals anymore. Vanga, the mystic, used sugar crystals, but I’m suggesting salt. Both are crystalline substances, but sugar is an organic structure whereas salt is a mineral. Salt crystals are better at retaining data. Just try it. It’s all pretty individual, though. Some people do get better results with sugar.

Best wishes and bye for now.

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Diana Thoresen
Diana Thoresen

Written by Diana Thoresen

Russian-Australian, writer, publisher, photographer, linguist, editor of poetry anthologies. Interested in free energy research and rebuilding Syria.

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