The Red Hibiscus: Anthology Volume 2 Preface
“In democratic society each citizen is habitually busy with the contemplation of a very petty object, which is himself.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America.
Many seers, shamans, visionaries would gaze at the water or any reflective surface like a piece of polished obsidian to receive communications from the spirit. Several weeks from now, the world will watch the US election and its tumultuous fallout. Imagine being a mystic who dreams a new world into being as a rightful co-creator with the Godhead. Which colors and patterns would you weave into the fabric of life?
Would you choose a world where multi-national corporations control our minds and aspirations for the future? Would you choose a world where one culture proclaims a doctrine of full spectrum dominance and those who oppose it are subjected to vicious bullying and public opprobrium, if not outright extinction via military invasions and clandestine coups?
Photography is an art of capturing a fleeting moment that can never be re-created or imagined again. Each culture and country on this planet is a unique flower that contributes to the rich palette of our shared collective destiny. Would you want a world without T.S. Elliot poetry? A world without austere and enigmatic Torres Strait islands art so deeply linked to the ocean and its many mysteries? Would you like a world without the special joy of Navratri festival days being celebrated by millions of souls as I am typing this right now? An extreme preoccupation with the self and petty tribal affiliations cut us off from experiencing the holographic principle upon which the entire universe operates as Alexis de Tocqueville wisely pointed out in his excellent and very prophetic book, Democracy in America.
What is the essence of the holographic principle? It is an idea that the universe is contained in its entirety in every matrix point. According to the holographic principle, one cannot experience personal happiness as long as a complete stranger is in distress somewhere else. The holographic principle has also many scientific implications as it permits us to remotely manage bio-systems with lasers and digitized bio-holograms. In fact, an artist already managed to encode their art images with digitized holograms via the lasers produced by the Scientific Research Institute for the National Security in Moscow and remotely transmit a digitized hologram as a piece of art in 2013/2014.
Those who consciously choose to wage war on the Godhead and creation are invariably bound to be thwarted and destroyed by the mighty forces guiding our planet’s path. This brings us to a recent cosmic event when our sun made its annual alignment with one of the brightest stars in the night sky, Arcturus, on October 17, 2020. Edgar Cayce, a famous American mystic, viewed Arcturus as a portal for celestial consciousness. In Vedic astrology, Arcturus is known as Swati, which means “very beneficent.” May the light of a thousand suns beyond our sun find a beautiful and pure reflection in our thoughts, actions, and choices.
Diana Thoresen, Palm Cove, Australia.